Daily Fire Danger Rating
Situation Awareness
Current Northwest Fire Situation - Daily Updates
Morning Briefing - Updated each morning with latest fire activity and fire weather alerts.
National Situation Report: https://www.nifc.gov/nicc/sitreprt.pdf
Large Fire Information Summary - Detailed description including resources assigned, current conditions, etc.
Large Fire Map - Displays active large fire incidents within Oregon and Washington.
7-Day Significant Fire Potential - Large fire potential and weather synopsis for the next seven days within the Northwest.
National 7-Day Significant Fire Potential - National large fire potential in interactive map format.
Other Fire News
National Fire Report - National Interagency Fire Center's daily news update.
Google Crisis Map: https://www.google.org/crisismap/weather_and_events
InciWeb - A national incident information system that delivers fire news from specific incidents throughout the entire country.
State of Oregon - Wildfire news from the Oregon Department of Forestry.
State of Washington - Fire news from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Fuels Conditions
ODF Fire Protection Maps: https://gisapps.odf.oregon.gov/maps/pdm/index.aspx
ODF Map Viewer: https://geo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=d206453ae0dd42e6b22627f636ee8c6b
The National Map Viewer: https://apps.nationalmap.gov/viewer/
Caltopo: https://caltopo.com/about/
Nation Incident Maps & IAPs: https://ftp.wildfire.gov/public/incident_specific_data/